Checklist: What to bring to your appointment for your Intervention Order?

Intervention Orders offer protection to victims of abuse, which is why it is important you seek legal advice if you are suffering. Occasionally we have clients who come to meetings feeling unprepared or unsure of the process of applying for an Intervention Order. Therefore, we believe outlining the process can mitigate these feelings and leave you more prepared.  

After your preliminary meeting or phone conversation with our lawyer, Rich Stanley, we will send you a Retainer Agreement containing several documents that you need to read. Once the applicable documents have been filled out, a meeting will be organised to begin the process which is where preparation is crucial. We have gathered 4 easy check points you can follow:  

  • Write a list of specific questions you have. 
  • Bring a pen and paper to write down any advice our lawyer will give you. 
  • Start a chronology or diary of the incidents that have occurred.  
  • Bring any evidence such as electronic correspondence such as text messages, emails or videos.  

Preparing for this meeting means your time spent with our lawyer will be effective and efficient so please bring as many documents with you as possible.  

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from abuse and needs assistance with an Intervention Order, then it is important legal advice is received as soon as possible. Stanley & Co. Lawyers offer free initial consultations where our understanding and well experienced lawyers will be able to guide you through the process.  

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