Young Offender Laws in South Australia
Young Offender Laws in South Australia
The South Australian Government promised that it will be more tough on youth who commit serious offences or crimes. But, what about the current laws?
Are they too lenient?
Will newer laws and tougher punishment reduce offences and crimes?
Let us look at what most psychologists tell us about young people’s brain development.
Most Psychologists agree that children and young people’s brains are still developing during adulthood. The changes during adulthood driving youth to look for emotion, agitation, and remuneration, so the task of self-control, thinking maturely have not fully matured.
Now, let us look at the current laws regarding young offenders.
The Young Offenders Act 1993 (SA) recognizes the developmental stage of young offenders and makes provision for the attention, rehabilitation, and direction for their development into accountable individual of the community. This Act sets out the significance that the youth be made aware of the obligations under the law and of the consequences of a breach of the law; and that the community be adequately protected against wrongful acts.
The Youth Justice Administration Act 2016 (SA) regulates the administration and oversight of Adelaide Youth Training Centre where a court may sentence a young person to a period of detention or remand them in custody at the AYTC.
The object of this Act is to provide for the safe, humane, and secure management of youths held in training centers in South Australia.
If the government toughening the laws, it means that children will face longer sentences. Will longer sentences for children reduces the number of offences?
Contact us today on 08 7132 5636 to speak with an experienced Adelaide criminal lawyer.