What is a Will and why do I need one?

A Will is a written legal document that operates upon your death. It states who is to receive your property when you die. Assets can include residential or commercial property, bank accounts, cash money, motor vehicles and personal items.

Your Will will also allow you to appoint a person of your choosing to manage your affairs after your death. This person is called the ‘Executor”. This person/people will be entrusted with distributing your property, as you have described in your Will. He/She has a very important responsibility and so your should choose them wisely!

If you don’t have a valid Will, you are said to have died “intestate”. Your assets will be distributed according to the formula set out in the law. You will not get to choose who is responsible for managing your assets after death or to whom your assets are distributed. There is a risk that you may not agree with how the law deems your property to be distributed and therefore, your property may be gifted to people not of your choosing.

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